The Year of Freedom: What is That?

Year of Freedom Giveaway: What is THAT? You are invited to join me in a Year of Freedom where you can gain freedom from all kinds of negative emotions, being stuck, overwhelmed or feeling unhappy and  instead step into happiness, joy, love, freedom, power, satisfaction and contentment! Are you ready to have a better life? Are you fed up with being sick and tired? Are you fed up with your life? Do you want a new life? Anyone can have a new life. And it is absolutely FREE! Free, Free, Free! As a bonus, I am giving away over $8,000 in free stuff during the Year of Freedom (over $3,000 in merchandise or products and over $5,000 in free services). Here’s what the Year of Freedom entails: Each month starting in August 2020, I will be putting up blog posts and some videos about the topics for the month. You, as a participant you can read the blog posts and watch any videos and then apply the content to your life. If you have a question you can post it in the blog comment section and I will get back to you. I am here to lovingly support you on the journey. It’s pretty easy. If you have never had a life coach or you have never done personal growth and development work – it is really fantastic and awesome! And fun! I will make suggestions and recommendations in the various blog posts so this program is the equivalent of having a life coach for a year for FREE. Now, how does that grab you?
Picture of items to be given away in the Year of Freedom Giveaway
A sampling of the Year of Freedom Giveaway Items

What does it take to have a new life or just a happier life?

What it takes to create a new life or a happier life is the willingness to engage in the discovery of who you are and what you want. It takes you being willing to wake up to how you are currently living your life. It takes you being willing to answer the question: what do you want your life to look like? For some of you, it might mean taking on new habits or practices. It all depends on how you are living your life right now. The majority of people never take the time to stop and hit the pause button and ask themselves what do I want in my life? Sometimes it becomes painfully obvious to people that their life is not working but more often than not things have to get pretty bad before people are willing to say – enough is enough. This post will help you see in more detail what is possible for you and your life. Can you imagine waking up every single day and saying to yourself: “I can’t believe that this is my life”? Most people don’t get the satisfaction of living life that way. I know that this is possible for each and every one of you reading this right now. The question is how good can you stand it? Some people are quite simply more comfortable with life not being so great. Sad as that is, it is just the way it is for some people. You don’t have to resign yourself to a life that is not full of happiness, love, joy, peace, contentedness, and all the good stuff. You don’t have to give that up. Or you could. If you are willing to read the blog posts, and engage in the process and do the work, I promise you that you will have an entirely different life in the coming year.

What content are you going to cover in the Year of Freedom?

The content that I will be covering over the next 12 months during the Year of Freedom include the basic foundational aspects of living a powerful life. That means the habits, practices, attitudes and beliefs that give you a functional life no matter what happens. While I have already written 40 blog posts on topics that relate to the Year of Freedom, I will be generating specific content to add to what I have already written. New, deeper content on these subjects. Here is a partial list of the topics we will be looking at in the Year of Freedom:

What kind of time will the Year of Freedom take?

This is a journey for you, about you, and with you in control. You can devote as much or as little time to this as you want. There are no set amounts of time that you will have to commit to. Basically, how badly do you want to have a happy, joyful life that you love? Do you want that at all? I am here to show you how to have it if you want it. Having coached people since 2005, I can say with ease that most people have 15 minutes a day to spare. Most people. You may or may not be one of those people. The real question is do you want to be in control of your life and have life go the way that YOU say it will go? Do you want that? If the answer is yes, then join me for a journey of self-discovery where you climb back into the driver’s seat of your life and YOU decide where you will go moving forward. You get to powerfully choose how much time you put into you and your life.

I’ve been pretty depressed lately, is this Year of Freedom a good idea for me right now?

If you are dealing with depression then this post might help you stave it off. What takes people quickly out of depression is working towards a life that they love. What takes people out of depression on a daily basis is taking the actions consistent with getting them a life that they want. What takes people out of depression is learning rock solid coping mechanisms or strategies. What helps people with depression is learning how to structure their lives in a way that is fulfilling, empowering, and provides happiness and joy. What is good for staving off depression is learning the habits and practices that give you a powerful life. What is helpful for people with depression is learning how to rewire your brain to develop new pathways for happiness, love and joy. All of the content covered in the Year of Freedom is good for people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and other issues. If you are suicidal, you should call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 immediately. You should tell someone immediately. In a nutshell, I am confident that you will gain freedom from depression, anxiety, worry, fears, anger, resentment, overwhelm, suffering and negativity through the Year of Freedom IF you read the posts, watch the videos and do the work. It’s not magic. You do have to do some thinking. You do have to engage. So, this is the perfect program even if you are depressed.

I am stuck in a situation that I can’t get out of; will the Year of Freedom still help me?

First of all, there are more people than you can probably imagine that fall into this category. People who are caregivers of children with disabilities or health issues, people caring for aging parents, people caring for those they love with health issues, people trapped in abusive marriages or relationships, and the list goes on. Even though you can’t change the situation you are currently in, you can do a lot to help yourself feel better and have more control of yourself and your life. You can learn how to be happy even in the most trying and difficult of circumstances. This I know for a fact from personal experience. If you are stuck in a situation that you can’t get out of, yes, the Year of Freedom can still help you. It can help you in a number of ways. I hope you will consider joining me. You have a lot to gain. Let me support you!

I don’t have any friends and I hate my life; how can you help me?

First of all, you have my love and compassion for where you are in life right now. The reality is that I can offer you coaching, guidance and suggestions. You are the only one who can actually help yourself. Do you want to have friends? Do you want to have a life that you love or at least like? These are things that are possible for you if you are open to it, if you will engage in the process, and if you will do the work. No one can save you from yourself. You are the only one with the power to improve and change your life. This Year of Freedom program could help you substantially but only if you are open to it and willing to do the actual work. I have an entire blog post devoted to making friends. I know it’s hard for most people. The more you work on yourself to have a live you love, the easier it will be for you to make friends. Please join me for a year of self-discovery where you get to create your life newly and make new friends.

With the pandemic going on I don’t think I can ever recover; will the Year of Freedom help me?

Most of the decisions we make in our lives drives our actions and behaviors either knowingly or unknowingly. If you think that you won’t recover then you might not. If you decide that you can and will recover from the pandemic, then you most certainly will. It’s a choice that you get to freely make. Will the Year of Freedom help those of you who have fallen into the trap that you will never get your life back? Well it has the potential to do just that. It depends entirely on your willingness to take control of your life, your thinking, your emotions and to do the work. Lots and lots of really tragic and horrific things happen to people in life every single day separate from and prior to the pandemic. That’s just a fact of life. It’s how you handle hardship that matters. It’s how functional you are in life that makes a difference. In the Year of Freedom, you could learn new ways of thinking, the habits and practices that allow you to generate your own happiness separate from your circumstances. When you can generate your own happiness distinct and separate from your circumstances then you always have the ability to be happy. I especially hope you will join me if you are feeling like you can’t ever recover because I know that you could with the operative word being could. In the meantime, this post on getting unstuck pandemic style might be helpful to you or this one on the dos and don’ts of handling challenging times. Call to Action Life involves many choices. I hope that you will choose to participate and come along for the journey – to a life that you choose. To a life of your own creation. To a life that makes you feel happy and inspired. That is what is available to everyone in the Year of Freedom. I am here to support you along this delicious year of discovery, exploration and growth and development! I hope that you make the conscious choice to join me for the Year of Freedom! I love you! Love, Lisa

15 thoughts on “The Year of Freedom: What is That?”

    1. Hi Michelle! That is a fantastic goal! Do you need any support? Do you have any questions? How can I support you? Love, Lisa

    1. Dear Sarah, Thank you for your comment. These are very stressful times right now. You have set a great goal. How can I help you? Love, Lisa

  1. I will do what it takes to make sure that my home and neighborhood is safe from Danger that has decided to come out of the wood work to rip our country apart

    1. Hi Roger! Thank you for comments. I am glad that you are going to make sure that your home and neighborhood is safe. These are scary times we are living in. Best wishes! Love, Lisa

    1. Thank you for your comment Debbi! That’s an excellent goal! I am here to fully support you along the way! Love,

  2. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

  3. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

  4. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

  5. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

  6. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

  7. Pingback: Positive Sides of the Coronavirus Pandemic | Love.Life.

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